The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Social Media for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. Between managing daily operations, finances, and staff, social media management might be low on your priority list. However, social media is an essential part of modern marketing and is a powerful tool to help businesses reach their customers. To help you navigate the complex world of social media, consider outsourcing to a social media agency. Here are some benefits:

  1. Expertise

Social media agencies employ experts in the field who have a deep understanding of the various platforms, tools, and strategies needed to make a business stand out online. These professionals have experience managing social media accounts for businesses across various industries and can tailor a strategy to fit your specific needs. By outsourcing to an agency, you can rest assured that your social media presence is in the hands of experts who can help your business grow.

  1. Time-saving

Managing social media is time-consuming, and as a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. By outsourcing social media management to an agency, you can free up time and focus on other essential tasks, such as sales and operations. Social media agencies can take over content creation, posting, and engagement, ensuring that your social media channels are active and engaging.

  1. Cost-effective

Outsourcing social media management can be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house social media specialist. An agency can provide a range of services that would typically require multiple hires in-house, such as content creation, analytics, and advertising. Outsourcing also provides more flexibility and allows you to scale your social media presence as needed, without the costs associated with hiring and training additional staff.

  1. Increased engagement

Social media agencies have access to tools and techniques to increase engagement on your social media channels. They can track and analyze data to determine the best time to post, the most effective type of content, and the optimal frequency of posts. This data-driven approach can help increase engagement and reach new audiences.

  1. Brand consistency

Maintaining brand consistency across all social media platforms can be challenging. Social media agencies have experience creating and implementing brand guidelines to ensure your brand's messaging is consistent across all channels. This consistency builds brand recognition and loyalty among your followers.

In conclusion, outsourcing social media management to an agency can provide your small business with expertise, time-saving, cost-effectiveness, increased engagement, and brand consistency. By partnering with a social media agency, you can leverage their experience and resources to grow your social media presence and help your business succeed. If you need help.. reach out anytime at

Social Media for Small Business: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market

Hey there, small business owners! It's your boy Travis Huff, and today we're going to talk about social media tactics that will help you take your business to the next level.

First off, let's talk about the importance of social media. It's 2023, and if you're not utilizing social media to promote your business, you're missing out on a huge opportunity. Social media is one of the most effective and affordable ways to reach new customers, build brand awareness, and connect with your audience.

So, what are some social media tactics you can use to help your small business succeed? Let's dive in:

1.    Create valuable content: In today's world, attention is the most valuable commodity. That's why it's so important to create valuable content that captures people's attention and keeps them engaged. Whether it's through videos, photos, or blog posts, your content should be informative, entertaining, and relevant to your target audience.

2.    Consistency is key: If you want to build a strong presence on social media, you need to be consistent. That means posting regularly and engaging with your audience on a daily basis. Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of content and see what resonates with your followers.

3.    Know your audience: It's important to understand who your target audience is and what they're interested in. This will help you create content that's tailored to their needs and preferences. Use analytics tools to track your followers' demographics, interests, and engagement rates.

4.    Engage with your followers: Social media is all about building relationships. Take the time to respond to comments, answer questions, and engage with your followers. This will help you build a loyal fan base and create a strong brand identity.

5.    Collaborate with other businesses: Collaborating with other businesses on social media can help you reach new audiences and build your brand. Look for businesses in your industry that complement your products or services, and find ways to work together on social media campaigns.

6.    Leverage user-generated content: User-generated content is a powerful tool for building social proof and credibility. Encourage your followers to share photos and videos of your products or services, and feature them on your social media channels. This will help you build a community around your brand and create a sense of authenticity.

7.    Use paid social media advertising: While organic social media can be highly effective, sometimes it's necessary to invest in paid advertising to reach a larger audience. Use tools like Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads to target specific demographics and interests, and create engaging ads that will grab people's attention.

There you have it, small business owners! These are just a few of the many social media tactics you can use to grow your business. Remember, social media is all about building relationships and creating valuable content that resonates with your audience. So get out there and start creating!


TikTok for Small Business Owners in 2023

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms with over 1 billion active users, making it a great opportunity for small businesses to reach a large audience. Here are some tips on how to effectively use TikTok for your small business:

1.    Create a TikTok account: Set up a business profile on TikTok and make sure your profile reflects your brand image.

2.    Define your target audience: Knowing your target audience is crucial in determining what kind of content to create and how to approach your TikTok marketing strategy.

3.    Develop a content strategy: Create engaging and relevant content that aligns with your brand. TikTok is all about creativity, so try to be fun and unique. Utilize popular trends and hashtags to reach a wider audience.

4.    Use the right hashtags: Hashtags play a crucial role in making your content discoverable on TikTok. Make sure to use relevant hashtags that are trending in your industry to increase visibility.

5.    Utilize TikTok ads: TikTok offers various advertising options, such as in-feed native ads, brand takeovers, and influencer marketing. These options allow you to reach a wider audience and drive conversions.

6.    Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with popular TikTok influencers can help you reach a new audience and increase brand awareness.

7.    Interact with your followers: TikTok is all about engagement. Respond to comments, share user-generated content, and participate in challenges to build a relationship with your followers.

In conclusion, TikTok can be a powerful tool for small businesses looking to reach a larger audience and increase brand awareness. By following these tips, you can effectively utilize TikTok to grow your business and achieve your marketing goals.

Social Media for Small Business in 2023

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, and it's no secret that having a strong presence on social media platforms can help drive traffic and boost sales. As we move into 2023, there are a few key social media strategies that businesses should be aware of to stay ahead of the curve.

  1. Prioritize visual content. In the coming year, we expect to see a continued trend towards visual content, such as videos and images. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have already seen a surge in popularity, and businesses should take advantage of these platforms to create engaging visual content that will help them stand out.

  2. Leverage user-generated content. Encourage customers to share their own experiences with your brand on social media. Not only is this a great way to build trust and credibility, but it's also a powerful way to get your brand in front of new audiences.

  3. Make use of social commerce. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are increasingly allowing businesses to sell products directly through their apps. By leveraging social commerce, businesses can reach new audiences and make it easy for customers to make purchases.

  4. Invest in influencer marketing. Influencer marketing can be a cost-effective way to reach new audiences and boost sales. By partnering with influencers who have a large following in your industry, you can tap into their audience and gain exposure for your brand.

  5. Use social media to drive real-world engagement. Finally, businesses should look for ways to use social media to drive real-world engagement. For example, they can use social media platforms to promote in-person events or to offer special deals to customers who check in at their physical location.

Overall, social media is a constantly evolving landscape and to stay ahead, businesses should be aware of the latest trends and strategies. By leveraging visual content, user-generated content, social commerce, influencer marketing and driving real-world engagement, businesses can maximize the impact of their social media efforts.

7 Ways to use Social Media Advertising to attract new Customers!

A lot of businesses in the last 5 years have found that Social Media is the best place to go to share their content. Oftentimes, a good Social Media presence can make or break many businesses, with poor Social Media presences often causing a business to stagnate and falter right out of the door. On the other hand, having a strong Social Media presence right out of the gate can help any small business grow exponentially, especially if they have a good marketing strategy in place.


So essentially, what is Social Media Marketing and how can you use it to your advantage? Well for people who are developing a brand, Social Media Marketing helps in the following ways:


-          Develops Brand Awareness via quick communication with an audience.

-          Builds engagement with a core audience

-          Advertises products, services, and more.

-          Develops a relationship with the audience by having them connect to the brand.

-          Is also a useful way for creating quick customer service


Essentially, the strength of Social Media Marketing is just how powerful of a tool it is when connecting with an audience. People like it when businesses develop a relationship with them, because it makes them feel like they’re not just another cheap purchase from them, and oftentimes people develop loyalty to a brand that they feel connected towards. If they’ve had nothing but positive communication with that brand, they’re more than likely willing to continue purchasing simply to support the business.


Sounds great! How do you get started then? In a nutshell, here are the steps you’re going to want to take to create a Social Media Marketing strategy that works for you.


1)      Create Goals. You’re going to need to define what it is that you want to do.

2)      Create an Audience persona. Who is it that you’re wanting to target and why. Not all customers overlap after all, and sometimes trying to cast a wider net will yield nothing while a smaller net will yield a bigger catch

3)      Look at what the competition is doing. Being unique and different does have its advantages, but there’s nothing wrong with seeing what your competitors are doing and developing a strategy around what they’re doing. Remember: You can tweak your strategies later.

4)      Practice Real Time Marketing. Real Time Marketing is simply where you engage an audience in real time with no discernable strategy. Being able to be contacted and talked to immediately is a powerful tool for Brands on the Social Media landscape.

5)      Schedule Posts. Aside from Real Time Marketing as a strategy, make sure that you post any relevant advertisements, promotions, or anything else ahead of time and tweak before sending out. You’ll always want to schedule something at least a week out.

6)      Be consistent. The major downside to Social Media is that people move on if you’re not consistent. You don’t have to post every day of course, but try to make a post at least once every few days; even if it is just rehashing an ad or something. If people know you’re a business they’ll forgive you for rehashing content as long as you’re not constantly spamming them.

7)      Follow Metrics. Be sure afterwards to follow the metrics, see what posts are gaining traction, which gives you more views and so on and then tweak your strategies from there.


And that’s usually all you need starting out. The best part about Social Media Marketing is how often feedback is almost instantaneously compared to most other marketing platforms. People by and large will see the post instantly, and react to it in real time and that’s what makes it one of the most fascinating ways to Market.

6 Ways of Measuring Social Media Engagement

Social media is a pretty rough monster to get a hold of when you think about it. You have all of these different opinions from people who are constantly bombarding you for any different reason, and one little screw up can cost you a lot of followers, good will, and more. They say any attention is good attention, but that’s only if you can afford to weather the storm of bad attention – such as if you’re a corporation or more.


For those that aren’t Corporations or big businesses, Social Media is often the basis of all your marketing plans and thus, needs to be monitored carefully to figure out what direction you need to focus your attention on, or figure out what works and what doesn’t. It can be difficult though to gauge interest and how well your marketing plans are going though if you don’t know what to look for.


For starters, gaining followers is a good thing, but followers do not equal engagement, because having eyes on your content doesn’t always necessarily mean clicking or buying. Instead what you want to focus on is a number of different things which can include:


-          Followers: As long as you’re gaining and not losing, it’s a good start to focus on.

-          Reactions: how often are people reacting to your content in a positive way? Heart emoji’s, eye emoji’s, or more?

-          Likes / Shares / Retweets: This ties in to the reactions, but gets more mileage because whatever you’re doing is being spread out on an organic level. It’s not just eyes that are looking at it, but other people are also spreading your brand out.

-          Activity: How many people are actively commenting, liking and sharing, reacting and more? It’s usually pretty suspicious – or the sign of a dying Brand – if you have a lot of subscribers but no activity. You’ll usually want to aim for at least 5% - 10% of subscribers who are eyeing whatever you’re doing.

-          Clicks per Post: This is simply about how many people are actively clicking on your links, either to share content, click your profile, or follow any leads you have.


Of course this isn’t a complete list of things to keep an eye on, as each different Social Media Platform is different from each other. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and more all operate differently, and each of them has different metrics to pay attention to.


Another thing to also keep in mind is that social engagement doesn’t constantly need to be on an upward swing. It’s actually relatively alright to – and perfectly normal – to see downward trends happen. In fact, it’s often normal to see an upward trend on marketing strategies and posts hit a threshold, and then dip back down. The key difference is you’re going to want to see if the next upward trend improves over the previous high, or if it’s trending downward. Measuring your Social Media Engagement is something that should be done over weeks or even over the course of several months, up to a year as long as you’re remaining positive.

Power of Influencer Marketing in 2022

What makes the Internet such a great place for marketing products is just how easily you can do it with just thinking outside of the box a little bit. Think about it; in the 90’s - and even in the 2000’s – you needed to go through various different channels to market a product that you were selling.


Had something neat, but local? Well you needed to buy advertising space in Newspapers, Radios, and even Local Television (If anyone even watched that). Wanted to expand? You needed to buy advertising space in Magazines and more to get people to notice your product. Organic growth through word of mouth was another good option too, but wholly unreliable because you didn’t know if mouth the words came from was reliable or not.


Thankfully, the 2010’s had seen the rise of Social Media and Marketing to people had never been simpler, cost effective, and organic since.


Sure, Social Media is great for connecting with people generally. Nothing is more fun than making a Facebook post to family, a Twitter meme, or share a pic on Instagram and receive instant feedback on everything. However what really makes Social Media so great is how there came a natural rise of people who got popular through the platforms due to a multitude of different talents. Be it entertainment, artistic, or anything else.


These people built a platform and brand around Social Media, YouTube, Twitch, and other websites are what’s known as “Influencers” and are often considered people that have… well… influence over other people, be it thoughts, opinions and more.


So how do you use these Content Creator ‘Influencers’ in your marketing plans? Luckily, it’s rather easy. At its most basic, you just reach out to them and ask “Hey, want to sponsor/use our product?” and see what they say. Often they’ll just ask for free samples or something so they know they’re pushing quality products that they’ll trust to not hurt their brand and that’s usually that.


However, sometimes – depending on the Influencer – it’s a little bit more depth to that marketing scheme. Low to Mid end Influencers might be fine and even excited to be thought of when you suggest including them in your Marketing plans, but higher end Influencers more or less treat their brand as a business, and thus, will often ask for some kind of compensation.


In essence, this is how you should plan out your Influencer Marketing:


-          Determine Your Goals

-          Create a customer profile for your product.

-          Compile a short list of Influencers who would be useful in marketing with.

-          Research those Influencers thoroughly and see if they would help with your Brand

-          Reach out to the Influencers you want to work with.

-          Collaborate and help them develop content to promote your product.


That’s often it and all you need to really do, and really, that’s the fun part about using Influencers in your marketing plans. Depending on the Influencer themselves, people will come to associate your product with either that Influencer, or even the certain sort of energy that the influencer tends to give off.


If you’re still unsure of whether or not it’ll work… well… look at such products as Nord VPN, Raid Shadow Legends, Ridge Wallets, and other products that either started up and included YouTube Influencers in their marketing to sell their product, or through the power OF their Influencers became memes on the internet spreading outside of their niche.


It’s simply a marketing tool that if done right has the potential for exponential growth.

The Role of Social Media in Modern Society and Beyond

Social Media is perhaps one of the best things about the modern internet. Back during the 90s and 2000s when the Internet was starting to become mainstream and more and more people were logging on and businesses were starting to use it for their benefit, there really wasn't any way to really stay in touch with people as easily. Sure, cell phone usage was growing at an exponential rate, but if you wanted to talk to people through the internet you either had Instant Messaging tools, e-mail, or good ol' fashioned offline ways of staying in touch.


Now? You can easily log onto Facebook and see what your family is currently up to, organize birthday parties, movie nights, and more. See what your local community is doing, or even hit up Facebook's Marketplace and buy items from all across the country while also catching up on the latest news. Twitter allows you to log on, and in just under a few hundred characters, share any thoughts that you currently have as well as share photos, links, and otherwise 'tweet' at people to start small conversations.


Likewise, Instagram is a great place to log onto and share short videos, and photos of your day-to-day life as well as comment and share other people's photos as well. Tiktok allows users to upload small snippets of video content, and honestly, there are just too many other Social Media platforms out there to name.


Suffice to say though, Social Media is extremely useful in the modern-day, and since 2015, its usage has continued to rise exponentially. Not only are you able to communicate with people and make and maintain friendships a lot easier, but it's also an aggregated source for information, news, and can even in real-time influence decisions from Corporations to Governments and more.


In fact, there are several recent examples (as of May 2022 of course) where Social Media has been used to both influence and spread news and information


The first example is Will Smith's Oscar slap to Chris Rock. Immediately the moment it happened the news spread like wildfire through Facebook and Twitter both before regular news organizations had a chance. Video footage of the slap happened, and within the hour it reached the top of Twitter's trending page with over 100,000 tweets in the last hour alone.


The second example is the war between Russia and Ukraine. Ever since the initial attack had started, Ukrainian fighters had used Social Media - such as Facebook and Twitter - to organize and coordinate attack plans, showcase where enemy movements are going, and been able to essentially use a platform that won't get shut down to respond to Russian aggression instantly.


Of course, these are just a few examples - some more extreme than others - but it showcases just how far-reaching Social Media is in modern society, how it's used for far more than just communication and business marketing, and how it can be used for almost every facet of life; even far and above entertainment.

It just shows that Social Media is here to stay, and will continue to become more and more important in the following years

The Impact of Social Media on Doing Business in 2022

Honestly, Social Media is a huge boon to business. Sure, you can use it to contact family and friends, keep up to date with things in your circle of influence, or your community, but where it really shines is in the ability to actually help your business grow. It doesn't matter whether you're starting out or not, Social Media is extremely important to anything that you want to do business-wise.

With that said on just how powerful Social Media can potentially be for any business from small to large, let's at least step into the actual ways Social Media can impact you if done correctly.

The first major impact that Social Media has is, of course, with Branding. Branding a business in this day and age is a great way for a business to outreach further to customers, clients, and instantly get you recognized. Whether it's through a logo, your products or services, or anything like that, it'll help you stick in people's minds a lot easier and can certainly give you a leg up over competitors.

And honestly, what better way to improve your branding is improving engagement through social media where you can reply to people, introduce products and services, run raffles and contests or generally just do things that'll help get eyes on you and traffic to your websites.

This leads to the second major impact; engagement. As mentioned above, you can start to actively engage with an audience who in turn will start to engage back with you. This, of course, has two major effects - especially if it's positive. Not only does it establish a relationship between you and the potential customer/client, but if the interaction is positive this can lead them to either retweeting/reblogging/sharing anything that you post, which will further draw eyes to your Social Media Account.

After all, that's the ENTIRE point of Social Media: To be social with other people. By doing so, you've made someone who will think of you positively and come to you first for their needs if they need something that you offer - which creates Brand Loyalty - and also made them want to share that positive interaction with other people who will see that and also want to come and check you out which further drives up engagement and can potentially help you to reach your targeted demographic a lot easier.

The third major way that Social Media impacts businesses are in feedback. Normally, you don't get instant feedback, and when it comes time to analyze your marketing strategies you often need all sorts of information to see if it was effective or not - and to potentially ask customers directly via surveys and all on what you're doing well, and what you're doing wrong.

Not so with Social Media. If you do something wrong, your audience will immediately let you know, and if you do something good they will also let you know. Often you can tell how well received your posts and all on Social Media are via engagement and immediate feedback via comments and all and that often can tell you exactly what you're doing right, where you're going wrong, and can course-correct any marketing strategy on the fly.

Of course, there are a lot of other ways that Social Media helps businesses with growth and all, but these are at least the three major ways that can help out in amazing, impactful ways. In today's modern business world, not having a Social Media Marketing Strategy can seriously be detrimental.

Understanding How to Utilize LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is a massive Social Media Platform that serves to cater a specific crowd of people. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, or even Instagram, the goal for LinkedIn isn’t merely to form connections with other people, showcase yourself, or even talk about what you’re up to or share fun photos or memes. While you can do that sort of stuff on LinkedIn, it’s more of a website devoted purely for Professionals in many different fields, from Medical, to Business, to Finances, to even Creative.


Of course, what many Marketers who are starting out don’t know is that LinkedIn is actually a very good market to advertise in… provided your products and services fit in overall with what LinkedIn is about of course. After all, you’re not targeting Teenagers, or Grandmothers, or bored Dads surfing Facebook on the weekend. You’re targeting Professionals who are looking to connect with other Professions and improve their resume or look for a job or simply network with other people.


So now, what’s the process for getting started on making ads for LinkedIn that fit with your Marketing strategies? Well luckily, it’s pretty easy, and if you’ve created Facebook Ads it’s pretty similar and just as robust.


For starters, you simply log into your Campaign Manager Account, and creating one is fairly simple. Once you do, it lets you set up a budget that you have, allows you to select goals that you have, and it gives you all the control you’ll need over your marketing campaign, plus tools as well to help you gauge every metric you’ll need to be successful.


From there, you just choose your objectives that you want to achieve with this Marketing Campaign. Are you looking to improve Brand Awareness? Drive traffic to your landing pages? Create lead generations; get people to watch your videos, get job interested job applicants, or anything like that?


This is perhaps the most crucial step to your Campaign because everything here on out is going to be based on the objectives that you want to achieve. 


From there, you can refine your audience down a little bit so your Marketing Campaign can figure out who exactly you’re going to target. In the Campaign manager, you can choose over 20 different attributes to refine your audience, and attributes can vary from Company Size, Schools and Colleges, Skills, Seniority, Titles, all the way down to groups and associates.


Then you just choose how you want your content to be seen: Either in Messages, Advertisement Carousels, Direct Advertisements, Text Ads, or anything else.


Like with Facebook as well, you can even set your budget, your schedule, and further refine when and where you want your advertisements to hit as well as save the Campaign before you purchase the ads themselves so you can come back to it later and refine it even more.


All in all it’s not that hard, and the process is super simple and easy. If you’ve dealt with Facebook Advertisements before, it’s pretty similar, and if you’ve not… well it’ll still walk you through the process. Everything is done in the browser, and you can even go in and edit campaigns already in progress to fine tune every aspect of it.